Current streamflow conditions in New Mexico.
View a detailed map.
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Hydrologic Information and Data for New Mexico
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) currently operates and maintains approximately 221 data-collection sites in New Mexico for acquiring information about surface-water, groundwater, water-quality, and precipitation (8 of these sites provide data for reservoirs). Of the 221 sites, 150 sites are equipped with satellite telemetry, which provide real-time data via GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmenatl Satellite) satellites and downlinks, which enables the posting of data to the Web for public dissemination.
Investigate New Mexico's surface-water resources. |
Maps, graphs, and tables describing streamflow conditions for New Mexico and the U.S. |
Find out more about New Mexico's groundwater resources. Groundwater serves many uses in New Mexico. |
Find real-time and historical water data from USGS's National Water Information System. |
Find out more about New Mexico's groundwater resources. |
View lists and information about water-montioring sites in New Mexico. |
Find out more about New Mexico's groundwater resources. |
New Mexico's geographic information systems resources. |
USGS WaterAlert Service, WaterNow Service, and Water Quality Portal |
Water Alert Service: To receive instant, customized updates about water conditions, check out WaterAlert, a data-delivery service from the U.S. Geological Survey. Whether you are watching for floods, interested in recreational activities, or concerned about the quality of water in your well, by subscribing to WaterAlert you can receive daily or hourly updates about current conditions in rivers, lakes and groundwater when they match conditions of concern to you. For additional information, visit the USGS Newsroom to view the press release.
Water Now Service: To find out the current conditions on thousands of rivers and streams across the country, right from your phone, check out USGS’ latest system WaterNow, companion program to WaterAlert. WaterNow expands on the service provided by WaterAlert, which provides a notification only when conditions exceed a threshold set by a user; WaterNow provides data anytime on demand. These data are collected typically at 15 to 60-minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted to USGS offices every hour. For additional information, visit the USGS Newsroom to view the press release. |
Water Quality Portal: The USGS and EPA teamed up with the National Water Quality Monitoring Council (NWQMC) to launch a brand new Water Quality Portal (Portal) for water quality data. The Portal brings together chemical, physical and microbiological data from USGS’s National Water Information System (NWIS) and EPA’s Storage and Retrieval Data Warehouse (STORET). Data users can choose from a variety of filters including geographic and sample parameters, to narrow down the dataset by state, county, organization, watershed, and sites of interest. Downloaded data can be served out in comma-separated, tab-separated, MS Excel, Keyhole Markup Language (KML) and Extensible Markup Language (XML) file formats. For additional information, visit the USGS Newsroom to view the press release.
Information Requests |
Water information and data and hydrologic publications from the New Mexico Water Science Center are available to the public. There may be a charge for some requests, depending on the type, size, and urgency of the request. Information for the topics listed below can also be found on the NWIS Web page. Types of information include: |
- Printed publications
- Field measurement notes of surface-water measurements
- Surface-water unit values (data transmitted via satellite from the site)
- Historical surface-water, ground-water, and water-quality data
- Site descriptions
- Copies of well records
- Ground-water and surface-water model programs
If you are interested in: |
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